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The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia • 6
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The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia • 6

Staunton, Virginia
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THE STAUNTON NEWS-LEADER, WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1923. PAGE SIX TRAVFiLLElW' RAtjGAGE LIMITED TO SUIT CASH i- 'v-1-'-" Bay State -Solons Keep 'in Trim tW own siiit for divorce and the matter will he tried out in the Wwt Virginia courts. FOR A THRILL THi i i.i, nnn '''ANA, Jan. 10. The Austrian railroads have discontinued express service cause it contributed to the existing is Movement To Force Action Of Ford Offer Starts (Ky The Associated l'rcs.) Washington, Ffb.

G. An effort uadr wav to have the hoiistv tulM committee hrlng a rnle for immediate coalWatin the Ford offer tor Miisnle Shoals. Several leaders of la Iteptibllran niii jorliy well as iileflciU Today a traveller is entitled I At I everyuung else Massed as excess baggage and charged, for -at liiRh rates. IfOXOH ROLL Honor holl, Fishersvllle High aciinoi, ror January: F'rst grade Thomas, IIarr' 'Iter Hanger, "Campbell. Ed i tit car- roll LoiUse llonrtton.

grade William Burns, fT'00'1 Lucy Rodes 5d th nugii hanger, niny wvaom ney. Fourth grade Henry Stone. Lloyd Sanger, Wintio Sanger. Fifth grade Mary Ik 11 Busier- man, Rebecca Snyder.1- r- Sixth grade Catherine Coiner. Seventh grade None.

First year high school Misses Frances Pitceerald. HpKAtfi Pntter- son; Paul Saunders, Maeon Alvis. SecondMisses Caroline flrove. Violet Sheets, Clady Sheets. Berry-man Fitzhnth.

1 "SHFLl. MIKM 1 MODIFIES -sMXTKXt'K. NEW -VOUK. Feb. The plea I ihockeit averea.

vesterdav won for James'J. Oorhctt, war veteran, a la minimum sentence of seven t.i 14 years' imprisonment fur the slaving of hid former sweetheart Elsie Starace. Tho maximum sentence is 20 years. Corbett pleade guilty ot first- degree manslaughter after he, 'hud been declared sane at' the' time he I shot Starace. i The slaving oturred shortly after the woman returned license tuAvod orbeti and married another.

I John W. Campbell Corbet ts 1 the n.f.t fh soldier had carried the body ol a slal a comrade sihout tor four unahlo-to be convinced that his "buddy'' was dead, and although he was discharged physically fit ho had since suffered from bis war ev perlencts. 1 I Thl "CHropean trouble is caused bjr the cpuntrlea being entirely. too close to each other. Combat tt with Dr.KING'S NEW DISCOVERY the finufy cough syrup Au Revoir to Wife TT I i i ou Vice- President "t'ai" Cooudge ana Masachuoctia doctrine ot plain- living dally dozen In tho Capitol gymnasium, Speaker Oileite of the House oz P.epresent&uvea iiavo brought Uiiif and high thinking to the Capitol.

The photographer found Vrmm doing imBSSSZi I If. I 1 Third yeaiw-Nono. Fourth year Misses Mildred Coiner. Kerah' Carter, Leola Grove. -o DISCHARGED OFFICERS MAY OO TO 80UTH SEA.

TIKIO JaaT31. MaJorOeneraT Nosawa, a retired officer, in leaving for the Bouth Seas and Booth Amorlca to Investigate economic expansion possibilities for those officers who ore to be discharged, account of the military adjtist- went. i THOUSANDS of.oeoole do MWwBM I 1 not stop to think of the harm which may result from drinking coffee and tea. If you have frequent headaches -if you are nervous and Irritable if you cannot sleep at night rt is nTTTf time to find out the cause and help yourself to health and comfort. Made from wheat, roasted ju3t You alone can do it.

Postutn like Po8tum contains D0 makes it easy. caffeine, nor other harmful ingredient. 1 Jiist stop coffee and tea for a while and drink delicious Postum Jfl two forms: Instant Postutn (in tins) piorr- instead. You Will find it Whole- eX instantly in the up by tho addition Some and delightful. With a boiling water.

Postiim Cereal (ir. a delicate fraerance and a fine, fe bodied flavor. full- the drink while the meal is being prpar ed( made by boiling fully 20 minutes, a ta i ssr a mi mi m. a. a a.

a a s- i iiie member of the side are tn lu. tirfa5nr in ef-r fort to bring the bill to a vote at this session of congress. It was said, however, that the movement ha; not yet rtt-hed point whern its success can he determined, 'although Represents lives Lougvofth. Ohio, and Graham. Illi nois, candidates for Republican lead- ership in the next house, Chairman Madden of the appropriations committee, and many other nM-rnbers of tje majority party hav-s thuti the Kloals proj-: rhould March Democrat? also have been pressing for action Hay Market Weakens During January Hay markets throughout the coun try weakened slightly during Jan uary according to the United Sutee department of agriculture.

The aver age price of So. l.hay at the principal markets declined about 25 cents per ton for timothy, $1 per ton for alfalfandJjOLceuts per ton 4or prairie. "Weather was an Important factor. New England markets ruled slight- ly higher because or heavy Knows and wintry weather. Eastern markets were about stationary.

Central western and southwestern mark eta generally det lined tdigbtly because of the smaller demand occasioned by tbe unusually mild 'weather which prevailed in that territory. Tbe movement of hay to niarket was about normal during the first part of the month but began to about the middle until at the close receipts In most of the central and south western markets were materially larger than during the corresponding period last year. Lighter feeding increased the mar ketable surplus of alfalfa and tended to check the price advance caused try the heavy demand and rapidly decreasing supplies earlier in the reason. New alfalfa hay was being marketed iu southern California at the clone of the month. Market In that territory were overstocked and prices suffered a sharp decline.

Lower grades of all kinds of hay were In poor demand" and sold at heavy discounts whenever better hay vraa available. Demand generally was for current needs only and deal-era were not Inclined to accumulate large stocks. Scouts To Hold -An Investiture Thursday night at 8 o'clock the Hoy Seoul will have a public investiture ceremony tt tbe Beverley This 1 1J be tbe first ceremony of the klpd ever held in Staon-Uin. About thirty Scout will take the $coitf bay will ad-vinoe ftatn XlmjrWderroot" rank to the eecoad claesfc and somo will od-vasee frem the ieoorjd 1 raa k- to -tbe flret claea. In aadltipo to (bin, 'tbev will bare a two-reel tarrying pictures entitled, "America pictures, will eaow various ramp experiences the ecouU have had and scenery on hikes.

The public Is invited. theJr i FNETMOXLi NRARLY WIPES out hwillavd family An entire Highland family hae been all but decimated by pneumon-, ia during the past few weeks, one child remaining of tbe family of 3fr. and Mrs. John C. Armstrong of near Patna.

Jfr. and Mm. Armetroog and their daughter, Mary Jane, have all Mrs. Armstrong's mother, Mnt1 Warwick Klncaid. who nved with them, i dead, and aged 4, died 8unday.

Warwick, the oldest alone survives. AfTO KILLED, TWO MEX; HOLD WKALTKY VOITH Atlanta, Feb. c. Thornton Kouti, son of a wealthy Atlanu citizen. wae Indicted for order late today on Jan.

26. An automobile driten by Kontz struck the two men while at work repairing a treet car track, both dying shortly afterwards. -JDOPED" TXMH SEIZED (By The Aftmriated Press) reft. 6. on Information fikd by the United States district at torney, 37G crates of eggs were seised by marshal's office to be held for -disposition at the direction of fed eral court.

These eggs are said tof JrS'-XfSt Made by Postum Cereal Company, Incorporated (r-t3jS 1 "Vr i Battle CreekMkhlgait I I II I PostiihH OCEREll Very hi. mm 1 il llM I XA Hear it on a Brunswick Record Do this when you buy a phonograph record: Hear the r'ece on an ordinary record. Then cn a Note the amazing difference. Every dear. Every word plain as dav.

Not a Cv, nothing jui "ae'i- the wcfld au-est reproductions. "All the (lsnres to Kecortit. Greatest wirchctris and f.ia'.nus Hari record for 'therr- tcdiy vto hear" the Irtest at Brunswick dealer. "VesJny Idl" you ir.ll ay. Lambert Divorce Is Set Aside; Wife Sues In West Va.

Court Sustaining to some extent the contention of Mrs. Laura' Y. lnvhert that tbe Htaunton corporation court was without Jurtedictlon it entered a decree of divorce 1n the buH of Benjamin L. Lambert on June 8, 19M, and in the face of vigorous denial of charges made by Mr. Lambert.

Judge R. S. Ker yesterday set aeide tbe, decree. He has directed that a Jury hearing be held to deter mine Hie residence of Mr. Lambert, his wife contending that he was not a legal resident oi aaaunion.

In April, 1922, Mr. Lambert filed his bill or divorce making serious charges of delinquency against his wife. This was ptoceededf in hy or- dsr pi publication, ana me uecree oi divorce was granted by delaulL Lambert learned of the di vorce, she entered appearance and a 1 most vigorous of, these charg-, es, and also entered a plea that Mr. Lambert wae not a resident of the city of fitaonton or the state of Vir ginia at the time he filed the divorce snlt In Btaanton, and that, there-, fore, the corporation court of ataun- ton-was wholly without JnrisdJction 1 to try the Mm. Lambert's home is DoUvpt, near Harper Ferry, in On her answer denying the charges made by her husband, the divorce was set) aside and the oourt directed an is-; sue to he tried by a Jury to detera- i ln the facts in regard to the rest! dence of Mr.

Lambert. Depositions had been. taken by Mrs. Lambert, I but before the trial of the Mr. Lambert on hie own withdrew the case in Virginia.

Lambert states In ber ans wer that ahe has heretofore institut ed a salt in We-t Virginia asking that divorce Te granted her for the misconduct of her husband, Mr. Lani- berL, hjc -npt been, prosecufe ed becouse ut InebiHty to get papers erred. A a result of the with- drawal of the suit In Btaanton, Ahejj now at liberty to proseoute heri; Weak or Nervous? After Ihe "1, thfc Woman Tells Her h(pei1ece Montrose, W. Va. ''After having the flu I was very wak and nervous.

I got one bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and two bottles of Favorite l'rescriptlon and tbey helped 'me so much. I am 67 years old and did lots of work last summer and am doing my housework and washing lor foor la family." Mrs. J. C.

Wilraoth. R. D. 2. Health is your most valuable asset.

It does not pay to negleot iu Oo at once to your neighborhood drug store and get Jr. Pierce I-Vmllv Remedies In tablets or Ho. 2-7-1 t-bp. Enrich the Diet Wben the diet is deficient in health 'building TiU- jninea, chndren and adults suffer in body and strttigth, Scoffs Emulsion ol pore cod-liver o3 abounds in bealtb-buiiaiag Titamines. body run down in vitality, aid the fwre rifomine- rich- nets of Scott's Emulsion to ItbaMtupheahh.

BttHum.Btao4i41.i. Wtt OSfth iiswMMsMkA sfciiisMi imr.iKm mum A mw. -i'vatfwwwOMists. mmfcuiowrttuateawaiat II '-tJ 11 11 II I I i 1 Ml mm Dont fail to see our line of Ratines in all colors The Best 50c Line we have ever shown and our line of and Sweetheart SWITZER "fiN a I I I RATINES PORTED I VI to $1.50 Can't be Surpassed in Any City. New Goods in All Lines Arriving Daily and Prices are be fllled with ammonia, and to havei uld.

Write Dr. Ilerce'a Invalids Ho-been in etoraas in thin city fdnkie I tel rn IJnffalo. X. for free medical Reasonable PRICE SALE ON ALL SUITS AND Pictorial Patterns None better nd Noneidyer 35c. WATCH OUR ADVERTISEMENTS early la ecember.

Nearly Died on Birth- -day "On my last birthday, eight months ago, I had another close call. VCe had Juet finished dinner. My stomach legsjj" to hurt me, a minute later I Jay uBOonscious. Three doctors worked OB Boaked with aold sweat when I eame to. The next week.

telling a friend about rt and he ad-rhsad trvlng Mavr'a Wonderful Rem edy. Since taking a course of your medicine I have bees able to eat anything. I rhave ao more pains or bloattsg and am feeling better than or ten years." It ia a simple, harm-lewe preparation that removes the aatarrhal mucus from the intent! sal tract and allavs the Inflammation which aues practically all stomach, live and Intestinal ailments includ ing arrodicW. One doae win coa- Tlroa or mosey rafSsdM. Horthead'f ffrnjev drug more and dniggita everywhere, adv.

J-7-lt-bp. OVERCOATS The Shreckhise Ihe. WALTERS.

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