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The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia • 1

The Daily News Leader from Staunton, Virginia • 1

Staunton, Virginia
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i i i i i 1 i 'i i i i ii .1 i i i in i i I hi 'Harassed Horrie INCREASE IN GITYTAX NOT MISSISSIPPI ii VS. DELAWARE: FOR SUFFRAGE WILSONiTELLS ALLIESTURKS. MUST GET OUT MANY LOCAL PEOPLE GOING TO INSTITUTE METHODISTS HAVE HAD: A BANNER YEAR wriMiiMiroriim WOULD ACCEPT FROMlftP," SAYSH00YER Former Food Administrator JYires Ciillfornii! Club That He Would Tke' rvlUntiar N'oniiiiutlon; Sajs He's Independent Kepubliran. llJUUUUllUUil 111 1 1 I I gislaturo Kta't Uercn. In Yigoroiu Awwrr to Recent Com-sideilnK Action; Senate Poses' imiiilcatlon Kcpanling and llouw Kxplcted Twntjr, He Expres-xe pinion Thl to IH So Today; Would 1WhI Del-' the Turku in E- aware to it.

Says Governor. (By Associated Press.) Jackson, March 30. Woman suffrage advocates in the Mississippi legislature tonight were jubilantly telegraphing, telephoning, and otherwise notifying abscnteu r.upporters to -hurry to the capitol for ttcticn in the lower house on the fed-! ral woman suffrage aniendment.l The senate todays passed tion of ratification, reverting previous action and putting up to mem-j bera of the lower house the question" would go on the list of states favor-- ing nation-wide woman suffrage. Hii District Will Make Fine Showing nt Baltimore Conference in Washington; Dr. M.

D. Mitchell Has Served Four Years Here But May lleturn. On April 7, the Baltimore conference Of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will meet in annual session at the Mt. Vernon Place church, Ninth street and Massachusetts avenue, Washington. The local congregation as well as Rockingham district, of which It is a' unit, will go before the conference wjth the best report in the history of the rbody, it is understood.

Few if any changes will be made in the appointment of ministers in the. Rlckingham. district, it is said Mitchell, pastor of Central M. E. church, has served his fourth year, but according tGT a recent law of the conference, he may be returned for another year.

Otherwise, few changes will be made In the local district. This" district will go before the conference will all ni misters' salaries paid and the largest fund raised for benevolent purposes ever reported from this section. Rockingham district will be represented by the 'following laymen, in addition to flts tweuty-five James D. Alexander, of Grottoes; Members 'of Fhiancc Committee Xot Divulge Report to Council, Rut "Authoritative- Sources Say Have Found Way to Moot "Increase in ExpcnKC. 4 SPECIAL.

SESSION' TO HEAR RKIOHT THURSDAY MGHT Committee Has Considering )ncriitcl Realty' Value Recent Prices Jteallzcd Far in Excess of Assessment Valuations. Council '-will assenrble-- Thursday nirxlit under a call issued yesterday, for the' purpose of considering the report of the finance committee, 'and to act on a proposed ordinance affecting fortune tellers and palmists 'arid other reacra of the stars and exponents of occult science. The meeting. will consider the annual budget submitted by the finance committee. The recommendations, it In reported, do not include an ln- crease taxes except, in minor mat- ior.Trf A w-ui infirm he ronnril Mint, the finance committee will be able-to meet the various nppropiia-tions without" having io add 'mater-iallv to the tax rate.

jrembers of the committee would not divulge the nuture t)f their. rec-commoudutions. Just how the com- mittee proposes to meet the incnas- The vote today was close. It being opinion that "the often expressed in-nocessary for Lieutenant Governor tention of the Allies that the anom-Casteel to break up a tier casting a aty of the Turks in JMrope should ballot in favor of ratification. Action cease," should be carried out iu of the senate, apparently came as a framing the Turkish treaty, charae- great surprise lo opponents of wo- terized' the American rejoinder man suffrage.

A giTat number of- the recent allied transmitting legislators wore absent and Information as to the status of treaty had been made, to adjourn Saturday negotiations. n'Kht- I While the strength of arguments A hill ptrni'tting to women to votj for retention of the Turks In Con-In Primaries and general ejections al- stantinople was recognized, the note ready has been The lav; t(i the American government' wouht be effective in the event na- Ueres "arguments against it are, factional woman suffrage came to pass, stronger and contain certain Impenu- In answer to a direct question. tye elements which it wouM 'not Governor Lemuel Russell stated to- nnaihi in i.nnro reactionary nor radical in ap- od heads of the schools and other do-j he didn't want any liquor, and that partmentB is not indicated by ru- he put the policemen The mors. in councilmanic rircles, but arrest Higgs and Nenvcomh tol-from reasenabfy well informed sour- lowed, Officers Sutton and I'erry con It was learned thati the prob- testifying that they found th? two lem bad been, solved without re-j quarts In ran-automobile whioh-the coirrse to Increased taxes, which it men were' driving. The bratuly was was said would work a hardship in went tho present inflated prices gave way.

It is tho opinion of the fine nee committee, it is reported, that an Adjustment to normal will occur Miefore atMther budgpt Is necessary Prices In real estate have advanc-Lnot I.arKe Attendance of Sfauntoituin ExM'rted r.t Sunday School Convention at Tinkling Springs Int( rt stilly Marked Oji-ening Day. There will be. a large number of Stauntonians at tho second day of the Sunday school institute of the Lexington Presbytery which opened at Tinkling Springs church yesterday. Private conveyances and public automobile service will bo utilized to carry Staunton Presbyterians' to the closing exercises which iu-clude distribution of prizes and banners to winning Sunday schools of the Presbytery. Itev.

Walter D. Howell, Rev. Dr. Joseph 4Vattsnd iUev, Wesley Baker are among the speakers schoi uTed or addresses. from the various superintendents and Sunday school workers precedes the luncheon hour when lunch will be served on the church grounds.

Several hundred delegates are in at tendance besides the visitors invited to. participate in the institute. Delegates represent the Sunday schools of Rockingham, Rockbridge, Highland and Bath. 200 Delegates Attend At today's session Dr. Daniel Hull, of Atlanta, will speak on Sunday school management.

Dr. Hull is considered a very fine speaker and is a practicing physician in the ordinary course of daily life. The session will close about 3:30 o'ejock following a stewardship conference in the forenoon. The institute opened yesterday with 200 delegates in attendance. These included thirteen' ministers, seventeen superintendents, sixty seven teachers and 157 delegates.

Hon. W. W. Sproul presided over the meeting which began with devotional exercises conducted by ltev. William C.

White, of Churchville. A conference on missionary education in' the Sunday school was conducted hy Rev. Mr. Baker. Rev.

J. L. of Mt. Carmel gave ah account of how their Sunday school interested children in. the cause of missions.

Rev. Joseph T. Watts, superintendent of the Baptist Sunday school work of Richmond, spoke very earnestly at the morning' session on "Teacher Training." At the afternoon session Dr.Watts made a most interesting address on the home" department which is devoted to shut-ins, the sick, etc. The afternoon session opened with an address hy the pastor of Tinkiing Spring church who extended a hearty, welcome to ttievisitingdelegatesr Thlswas responded to hy W. W.

Sproul. The Cradle Roll was very interestingly emphasized by Rev. Walter D. Howell, general field secretary of the Sunday school work of, tho northern Presbyterian church. Sectional Conferences were held at 4:30 on the organized class by Dr.

Mai-ion McII. Hull, of Atlanta, followed bv an address by Rev. Walter D. Howell. Miss Elizabeth' M.

Shield spoke on the elementary division. A delightful limcheoh was served on the at the church. Last night's session was opened with-rdevotional exercises by Rev-7 p. Walthall followed by, an address on memorizing the scriptures. Among the features of a very beautiful musical program was a.

solo by. Rev. W. Sprouse and another by Miss Mary Lou Bellaccompanied byIiss Mary Highland Bell. Rev.

Mr, Baker and Rev. Mr, Howell both made addresses at night. MOTHER AXD SOX DIE. The Misses Hosey on Saturday received a message telling of the death of theiri cousin. Win.

Lcmlcy, at. Stephens City. Yesterday they received a second message stating that Mrs. Lemley's son, Alvin. had Away Monday in Memorial hospital 'in Winchester.

r. EASTER AT 'AUGUSTA KPRIXGS. Augusta Springs. March' 30. There will be an, Easter program at the Methodist church at this plncn on 7 Sunday, April 4, beginning promptly at 10:30 a.

A lare attendance is hoped for at this service. HERBERT BARXETT IX OUR TODAY World's Smallest Traveling Salcsnt-in i The Meditation H. Seekers Ask About; "Tent City" Here IiiQuhjeiLJtom distant fiectff.ns are reaching qity ManageyHolsinger (concerning th rep6rt0a Staunton was bo crowled hjreaion of the house scare iwlfat people were appealing to tfrecity to be permitted to camp in Gypsy Hill par. TTnnao nrrltir 4 IS" ulll.llilU in every other state in the Mast and the notion 61 camping in a ipiu seems to have struck' some flat dwellers in Washington and elsewhere as an ideal arrangement. The Inference trom the inquiries was that the persons wanting information intended putting in a plea with 4heir city authorities! Growing out of the joking request of a Stauntonian that he be permitted to in the park if, he and his family could.

not find a house, thore may come, Mr; Holsinger said, a sure enough experiment in other Cities where the situation is more critical. The city manager has replied to the inquisitive one to the effect that there is no one camped in the park just at this time hat he Couldn't say what would happen when i weather ireaches, the cumpiiig temperature. Basic Men Found Poor Brandy Market; Case Continued Two quarts of brandy which a witness testified he was told were available for purchase, figured In the hearing yesterday of the case against Sumpter Higgs and Lee Xev. comb, of Basic, charged with prohibition law violations. The case was continued.

Major C. S. Roller stated On the stand that Higgs tame to him with news -of the whereabouts of liquor for, sale. The major testiled that "Kxhil it The specific charge against men is transportation of liquor. S.

D. Timberlake, is defending them on tne ground that they had just bought the brandy una vert guilty of lte transportation in the sena of the law. Carter Bi ax- toDjninoaUU' 'o-Uorney 0 Cjlxw Aurln ptOp JTlllIOWing The Counterfeit, I Says Evangelist v- "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter, fear Gqd and keep his commandments," 1, 12, and "Thou shall call his name Jesus, foi He shall save his people," Matt. 1. 21, were the scripture tests upon which the Re Vni.

B. Waters ha' ed tit address to men only at Central Methodist church yesterday afternoon. The church was nearly filled with men, students Dunsmore's Business college ni1 Tcmpleton's Business school attend ing in a body. Two men made con fessions of faith, six were reconsec ing ill lun-iiearis iiK? iae afpiiji touches the face. "Sioi) followrffgthe counterfeit; follow, the original.

The" world iwsas-ures Christianity by the cor.f ierfcit. Yield the whole Stop taking chance. Be decent Bo as pure an you want your tister to be. Live clean, live nure. The United Stoten Government wants cloan men.

Adil- you. 8fved Nothing, that- God Tioids out at great as a regenerated life." Wnljt Co Coy Less See More 4. tri ic.irr- OwerfCfefte Players Pi-esent Buy" 'Lower floor 25c -35c. llakony 15c. 1 'ADDED MOTION riCiTRBS EACH XIGHT BALAl- OF WEKK, I i mi i in i If iftlMHi.K.

Barnhart, of New Hope; Albert vr. ti Fultz, of Peter W. Coffey, of Stuarts Draft. Bishop E. R.

Hen-drlx, of Kansas City, will preside over the sessions of the conference. a membership of 72,000 of which are in tne uncKingaam district. Two hundred and fifty ministers servo in this larger unit, twenty-five befng actively engaged in the 'local districts, as follows: Alexandria, Baltimore, Lewisburg, McoreHeld, Rockingham, Roanoke Washington and Winchester. following charges compose, the Rochingham district: Basic City, Bath, Blue ftldge, Brldgewater, Calvary. Fairfield, O-oshen, Harrisonburg, Lexington, Lnray Marksville.

Mt. Crawford, McGahfiysville, Mt. Solon, New Hope, Port Republic, Rockingham, Shenandoah, Staunton, and Contemporaneous with the meeting of the Baltimore conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church South to other Methodist bodies will meet in Washington, namely, thV Baltimore conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and the Methodist Protestant Church. o- Allies Accept 17 Dutch Refusal To Surrender Kaiser (By Assoriiited Press) London, March 30 The Allied powers have accepted Holland's latest note regarding the former. Gorman emperor, according to aa Amsterdam dispatch to' the Daily The Dutch government or.

March 5 for thftsfic.nd to tfelivAr the termer fijrnn i pmii Pthr rope Should Ceaao." IMPERATIVE TO OUST THEM FROM COXSTAXTIXOPLE ReroKnizes Strength of Argument Such Action, But Believe XewsNltj' for Forcing EviM-untio Is Paraniount. iBy Assorlate1 Press) Wasliineton, March 30 vigorous expression of President The American rejoinder was hand ed to the French ambassador hera March 24 for transmission to Premier Miltcrand and made public tonight by the state" department on advices that it had been delivered. President Wilson it says, not lt nrtvisable the 'preset circum8tnccs that the Cnited States should be represented at conference as suggested by the allied communication. lie feels however. it was added that "as thlVgore.

"ent VttaUy iaterctd ln; nre world, it should it vIjwh i on tw 108ert Holution of the di-hci-tt connected wlh th -Tolali re'- i 7 7 Huns To Declare General Strike Copenhagen Report Copenhagen, March 39 It has been learned on tho ebst authority that a general strike as a. protect against the new ministry has bei'n declnred ni Germany to begin Wed-" hesday. It Is believed however, that the strike will not. begin before Thursday morning. rV Yote, of t'nfllence Berlin, March 30 The national assembly today rejected a vote -of lack of confidence in the government and then adopted a motion approving the government's stand, ovel the vote of Socialists am extreme lefts j-, Ariw to Oecupatitm 1 Berlin, March 30 France 1 hnij abandoned her stand against German occupation of the neutral time and has consented to, grant Geripahy from two, to three weeks to employ' a strong force in the disturbed Rhur area, according to an announcement to the national assembly to Chancellor 'Mueller today.

Coal Going Up .60 To $U5 At Mines ITly Assochttel Pre) New York 'March 39 The actitm pt Presiilent Wilson's coul corpuils-sion In granting bituminous miue workers an increase of 27 per cert in wages means the price of coat the mines will advance (5 cents $1.25 a bituminous coal operators announced here todav )' rr Valuable residence TO SAL' Our Tnit fvpHoMi, s. at or of Mm. ltMt)tle I will sell mt fyV tion 1m the hi m4 l' C-'plUnlt- trc'-s k-wrr ricrir 'l 7 April Pi, MtMu.1 y-ropcrfy ill. oriiT lo art' if ed. it Is said, in art' erratic manner t-roperty.

asKessex tor taxes at few thnnssnds has rectiitly tfhsnEed liufirts. at three times, the assessed: valuation. This Is shown from ft number of recent ti'snsXsrg recorded I ut the city clerks omoe and appear-; to apply to property In the section as well as -residential property. Tho transfer books show that since January, among a number of sals of real estate there were the of iirtcrs far in of iiasessed valuation: One residence, price paid hy the purchaser $12,500, assessed value business property, price paid, 2,000, assessed value, residence property, sule price," assessed valuation, $1200; business property, ale $6,200, ar.setwed Business property sold for Rfwossed at 'The budget, as presented to coun cil Thumluy night, will contain the; recommendations of the sfmanee committer on expend it tires for the ACCEITAXCE tXJXDITIOXAL OX TLATFOBM ADOPTED Wants "Korwarl-IiOokliitf,, ConMritrtive I'latform -on iind MeaNures for Sound Itiisliiens AdmlnbtrntioK. i (By Assochitd IVess.) San Francisco, March 30- Herbert" Hoover today telegraphed the IlooTer Republican club of California that he would accept the Republican nomination for President, "if it Is felt that the Issues necessitate It, and it is demanded of me." Mr.

Hoover said: "If the Republican party wins (-the Independent element I ain mt- urally affiliated adopts a forward-looking liberal, constructive platform on the treaty and our economic Issues and if the party proposes measures for scund' business atlsiin- istration oi tne country, ana ue'tu- i ions, anil is oi backed by men who un doubtedly assure the consummation of these policies, and measures, I will give it my entire support. "I do not and will not myself seek the nomination." MajO lakeS lSSUe With Admiral Sims (By Aasocjated Press.) March 30 Faulty organization in the navy department and "absence of a del! nit a foreign policy except that of strict neutrality" operated- to prevent preparation of the entire navy for itear AdmiraK Mayp, the Atlantic fleet declared today 'jefore the com mittee. 'n. The active fleet itself however, was'xiever better pveoartd, hg eaid than wheh war -vas declared. Admiral Mayo, who -was Rear Admiral.

Slms'-inmiedii'ie aupciior techhically at least, durm? the war, took issue; with many of tho statements made by that oiUcer in his indictment of the navy department. Rear Admiral Wm. B. Fletcher concluded today his 5-day defense of the Brest convoy operations during lie war under 1, Chicago Faces Municipal Strike (By Associated Press) Chicago, March 30 With. 1 city hall clerks, stenographers and bookkeepers on strike today, the municipal garbage reduction plant closed through the walkout oC 400- rar-bage handlers and with the threat of 90 per cent of the firemen to resign unless wages aro'- lucre ised, Chicago onight face! a general strike of city Roanoke To Strike By (Associated Press) Roanoke.

March' '30. Representa- (ives of all organized crafts iu the local shops of the W. railroad at a conference here tonight decided volb nut tnmnrrnv nnnn in -sympathy with the clerks who struck .99 Inwfn tr Vt a mm nnnv's failure odischarge two non-union clerks who were accused of insulting young woman employee. -o COLLEGE BASEBALL, At Charlottesville Maryland State Virginia 1. JUST LATEST "PATHE" 'records' One needle lasts life time.

Your worry of changing needles Is over -with when yon ow Pathe None lietter seeing nnd "hear. Ihk will ronvmce you. Come in 'jrou re welcome, I.ARGE ASSOR-niET OF Grass anH Rag Riigs ycir. oTt.e governing bodies with lut, mnk nm.h chnnKes as they see fifori hands for Prl.ver- There was a approve or. disapprove the re-''wvival Vosmt that was toiiDh- night that he believed the Miitaisslpiil leslslature would ratify the amendment to the federal constitution before it adjoirned Saturday night.

"It is my Intention to go before the house before tho morning," sitld Governor Russell, "and ask that to averse Its former action n.l ratify the amendment. Missis ppl hns already been. a Democratic stnt'j rnd stood by te Democratic party, and now that the ratification of th iitnl in mi 0 Iu It r. tr In ir hn Ii rnHi of Delaware-a Republican state. I bcUevcMfssisHippi will come to tha rescue and do her duty, do not think there nec-N cssity for an extension of the sion as I believe afier a llttte heart 4 heart talk the house will ratify- the 'resolution without much Would Deport Martens As A German Citizen (By Af.oeialed Pm-sk) Washington, 30 Ludwig C.

A. K. Martens, Russian Soviet agent-iiLtbe United States is a Get man subject, and should be deported to Germany, according to the contentions of the department of justice in a brief to be submitted to immigration authorities tomorrow. The government's case against Martens -made by Assistant Attorney General Oarvan tonight, claims to establish "conclusively" his connection with the Russian Communists, and his activities, in promotion an organization shown to seek overthrow of the United States government by force. While it -remains for tho 'bureau of -imniigration-to disposeof the case, officials, declared tonight that despite Martens' they would attempt to have him sent back to Germany, from which his parents emigrated to Russia, and whsre Martens twice was refused citizenship papers, department of justice records show that he "left Russia in 190 and never returned.

Although he was born in Bnchmut, he first was denied German fitizensliip papers because he had not served his required enlistment in the Cei-man army. MARY PICKFORD la pwltlvcly the' grr-ntest 'Character role her (rntwr 7 HE HOODLUftri The Wcond pk-tnre from her stndlo, pHcrrmutr "DADDY LOX LEtJ-S. NewTheatre t. an snlunttled. r- Livestock Men At Chicago Strike (IJy A'soclnted rrc.) Chicago, March Jtft Arbltrntlnn fnt AMtironfoa hiu'on ooo mniihora to the Allies for trial.

ThU deter- The city council, which today te-mimuion was set forth In a note to jected a revised budget providing the British Premier, Nwhhh, how- for nn Increase of $4,000,000 for clever, Hhat the Dutch sov-' advances, met again tonight ernment would take all nnd wav out: measures to minimize tno liberty of Wilhelm and prevent hi oiom en- All N. Men At or the Livestock Handlers' unlon tery is undermining America and the packing companies was re- These were a few of the points lJected by Officers of the-union who stressed by the evangelist In spek-annonnccd" tonight the men would I to the men, In apoealing to remain out until their demands to lead clean lltfes. TMr. Waters wnRe increase of from $30 to $45 a made "reference to that passage in month were granted. The mn now the bible which says that the nine of receive from $90 to $130 month, 1 the rather shall be visited on the union officers said.

children, even to the third and No Bhipments of cattle, hog or. Kenerptions 'The bible de- sheep were received at the jard.i mnd9 yut lve today and packing company Oncers' P'cture of sin. if th trik rnntimiPit ovnifti Chr'st will hold and keep you. Jems aangering me worm peace, ne- cautions would be taien on the spot," note said. Ii was pre-.

sumed that this meant a cIofo guard ana a strict censorsntp wnne wu helm occupied his estate at Dorn. -o Mary Pickford And Fairbanks MarrV I (By Associated Press) Los Angeles, March 30 Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks have been married, it became known late today. They obtained a license last Saturday and the ceremony was performed, Sunday by the Rev. J. Whltcomb Brouher, pastor of the Temple Baptist church.

TABER MUFFLER Replaces Ford -Muffler SAVES GAS, SAVES OIL Reduces Corbon Eliminiiteo back Gives New Life To test Fwd Accessory ever, marketed. Oo(la)i the 4nr, Wonderfal results Ske it TodayHun ti a days they would be obliged to shut down, other workers out of employment. Exchange of Liberty Bonds -All Conpon Bonds, on which the coupon re due and have beu le(iKh up to March IS, 1020, fihould be exchanged now for VniMAMSNT ROND8. he attended to 1 i 1Tb fnltMf h6nd' are now fer our itc'rvipeii In making the' cot to bp owner of honds. FIRST CONVERTED 4 cent KEOOVD 4 per cent.

THIRD 4 1-4 per cent. -Mr. Herbert Barnett. Meditation Kid," can be seen' any this tfUrnoon at Hogshead's Drug Store. Besides being a glltedged salesman, Mr.

Barnett is exceptionally pleasant andV possesses a rare personality. H' is 22 years" of age," three i'et high, and weighs 38 pounds. -V Mr. BarpetV Ja an ardent supporter of w6man suffrage, believes in the League of Nations, and never happier'than when smoking a Meditation Cigar, 4he mild Hamgna blend. Mr.

Barnett's' evening hone at lfogBhead'wllltbe from 10 1,0 12 and 1:38 to -4 TOOS; HOGSHEAD Home Comfort No. 21 Ni'Ceritral Ave. the ncmtK OF 1WM farmers Merchants JUGHH Inc. AS TERMS mQnalltimms ii ni: A Fir National Attrn. thm.

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